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There are two really good reasons to create a Pippo quickstart. The first is if you just want to get started using Pippo quickly. The quickstart will set up a ready-to-use project in under a minute (depending on your bandwidth). Another great reason to create a quickstart is to accompany a bug report. If you report a bug in Github or on the mailing list, the core developers may not be able to recreate it easily.

Quickstarts are made from a Maven archetype. So, you will need to have Maven installed and working (from the command line) before following this.

Creating a quickstart provides only a very basic starting point for your Pippo project. If you are looking for examples of how to use Pippo and its various features, please refer to the demo projects instead!

To create your project you must follow these steps:

  • create your quickstart project:
mvn archetype:generate \
  -DarchetypeGroupId=ro.pippo \
  -DarchetypeArtifactId=pippo-quickstart \
  -DarchetypeVersion=1.5.0 \
  -DgroupId=com.mycompany \

maybe you want to change groupId, artifactId and archetypeVersion (the last Pippo version)

  • run your application from command line:
cd myproject
mvn compile exec:java

now your application is available at http://localhost:8338

If you want to create the war file of your application then you must run:

mvn -Pwar package

The -Pwar parameter (switch to war profile) excludes the libraries of the embedded web server from the war file. The war file is available in target folder.