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The recommended way to deploy Pippo applications is as a normal executable application with an embedded web server.

In order to create a .zip file consisting of your application and its dependencies, complete the following steps:

  • Create a src/main/assembly/assembly.xml file with the following content:
  • Add the following to your pom.xml file:
  • Add <main.class></main.class> to the properties element in your pom.xml, replacing the given path with one for the file containing your main method

  • Execute mvn clean package and view your packaged application at target/


  • Transfer the .zip file to your server
  • Unzip it
  • Execute java -jar yourappname-#.#.#.jar

Snapshot Workaround

If you are using a SNAPSHOT version of Pippo as described in the Maven section, a small workaround is necessary due to a Maven bug:

  • Add <outputFileNameMapping>${artifact.artifactId}-${artifact.baseVersion}${dashClassifier?}.${artifact.extension}</outputFileNameMapping> to the dependencySet element inside assembly.xml

  • Add <useUniqueVersions>false</useUniqueVersions> to the maven-jar-plugin’s manifest section inside pom.xml