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Web applications generally need to serve resource files such as images, JavaScript, or CSS. In Pippo, we refer to these files as “static files”.

The easiest way of serving static files is to use:

For example:

Pippo pippo = new Pippo();
pippo.addPublicResourceRoute(); "/public/..."
pippo.addWebjarsResourceRoute(); "/webjars/..."

or more verbose:

Pippo pippo = new Pippo();
pippo.addResourceRoute(new PublicResourceHandler());
pippo.addResourceRoute(new WebjarsResourceHandler());

You can use multiple FileResourceRoute but it is nonsense to use more PublicResourceRoute or more WebjarsResourceRoute.

The CrudNgDemo (demo pippo-angularjs integration) is a good application that demonstrates the concept of static files. In src/main/resources we created a folder public and we put all assets in that folder (imgs, css, js, fonts, …).

➤ tree src/main/resources/public
├── css
│   └── style.css
├── fonts
└── js
    └── crudNgApp.js

3 directories, 2 files

The CrudNgDemo uses the Bootstrap & Font-Awesome. You can manually copy those resources into your project or you can serve them from the WebJars project using the webjarsAt method appropriate for your template engine.

The CrudNgDemo also uses a custom CSS file which is a classpath resource from the /public folder.

In this demo, the html template page (Freemarker engine) contains a head section like:

    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta content="IE=edge" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    <link href="${webjarsAt('bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css')}" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="${webjarsAt('font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css')}" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="${publicAt('css/style.css')}" rel="stylesheet">

If you want to have more control over webjars artifact version you can use this declaration:

    <link href="${webjarsAt('bootstrap/3.3.1/css/bootstrap.min.css')}" rel="stylesheet">
    <link href="${webjarsAt('font-awesome/4.2.0/css/font-awesome.min.css')}" rel="stylesheet">

Sure in your pom.xml file (if you use Maven) you must declare the dependencies to these webjars:

<!-- Webjars -->


Of course you can use public and webjars resources in your project without a template engine. In this case, your html file looks like

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>My web page</title>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">

        <link href="/webjars/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
        <link href="/webjars/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
        <link href="/public/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">

        <!-- My html content here --->

        <script src="/webjars/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script src="/webjars/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
        <script src="/public/js/app.js"></script>

If you use a supported template engine, then you can use publicAt and webjarsAt functions.

If you want to serve static files that are not on the classpath then you may use the FileResourceRoute.

Pippo pippo = new Pippo();
// make available some files from a local folder (try a request like 'src/main/resources/')
pippo.addFileResourceRoute("/src", "src");

For security reasons, the FileResourceRoute doesn’t serve resources from outside its base directory by using relative paths such as ../../../private.txt.